Writing Guidelines

Throughout the course of the year, students will be doing various writing assignments that will be required to be typed. I am aware that computers and printers are not the most reliable machines and exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis if a student does not have access to a computer. A student must come to me in advance so that I can approve hand written work. If a student does not come to me in advance, handwritten work will not be accepted. I want to teach the girls responsibility and professionalism when it comes to their work.

All assignments must be as follows:
- Typed in Ariel or Times New Roman 
- 12 pt font
- Double spaced lines
- 1 inch margin on all sides
- Proper heading 
 ex: Name 
       Date assignment is due 
       Visitation Academy
- Title of assignment underlined in the center of the page. 

Please come to me if you have any questions about this format. 

Thank you, 
Ms. McMahon