Classroom Procedures

Homework procedures

  • The girls will have homework every night.
  • Please sign and return any assessments the day after they are received.  All assessments will be kept in an assessment folder in school.


  • In the event that your child is absent, please send your child to school with a note explaining the absence on the day she returns to school.   If your child is sent home from school sick, she cannot return for 24 hours.  A student absent for 3 or more days will need a doctor’s note upon her return to school.


  • Dismissal is on Ridge Blvd at 2:50pm
  • It is imperative that I am notified in writing of any changes in your child’s pick up routine. Please send a list of people who are permitted to pick up your child.  This information must also be on your child’s Emergency Card in the office.